Sunday 18 November 2018

Methodist Prelate charges Government to reduce poverty in the land

PRELATE of Methodist Church Nigeria, His Eminence Samuel Chukwueme-ka Kanu Uche has  called on the Federal Government to intensify efforts in stemming the tide of hunger and poverty permeating the country.

In a release by the church’s officer in charge
of Media and Public Communications, Rev. Oladapo Daramola, the Prelate made the charge at the Consecration and Investiture for newly appointed archbishops and newly elected bishops and lay presidents for various archdioceses and dioceses of the church.

He maintained that “while it is true that policies such as the Social Investment Programme are geared towards alleviating poverty and creating jobs, more can and needs to be done urgently considering the depth of hunger that still exists and the alarming rate of unemployment which needs a more deliberate and focused attention.

“The unemployment and underemployment gap is getting wider and all hands must be on deck to save the situation which if not managed well is spiralling into a crisis already.

“This is a responsibility of the government at all levels and the private sector also needs to do more of the enabling environment is created by government,” Prelate Uche stated. He also enjoined Christian leaders to rise up and lead their followers by example, pointing out the; “the nation is in dire need of leaders at all levels and Christian leaders who have the responsibility of setting standards in areas of values, ethics, morality and godly living must rise up to their responsibilities and lead their people with focus and fear of God.

“There is the need for us to be vigilant so that our vision will not be darkened by the gloomy mist of worldliness. We should not allow ourselves to be corrupted by trivial materialism neither should we place our faith in the hands of today’s wolves,” he said.

Continuing, the Prelate admonished the newly elected bishops and lay presidents to live lives worthy of emulation, build up their followers by instilling the right set of values that can transform the country into a better place.

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Source: Vanguard Newspapers,

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